Post by Cheshire Williams on Aug 11, 2011 3:25:40 GMT
cheshire scarlett williams
sixteen | ravenclaw
muggleborn, bisexual
i thought we were friends
OTHERHALFi guess it just depends who you ask
INSEPARABLEthese feelings tend to leave me with
CONFIDANTEa hole in my chest a hole in my chest
BESTFRIENDnow the time has come
CLOSEFRIENDi just wish i could erase all the damage done
ENEMIESTURNEDto your name and your keepsakes
CHILDHOODit's only just begun its been fun we were
DRINKINGBUDDYblind deaf and dumb theres a
ACQUAINTANCEparty in my closet calling all skeletons
FIRSTNAMEBASISwhere did you go when the lights went black
FRIENDofFRIENDlook what's become of me i've come to love
JUSTMETyour disappearing act do one more pretty please
our song to say goodbye
HARDCOREHATREDyou are one of god's mistakes
FRIENDSTURNEDyou crying, tragic waste of skin
INTOLERABLEi'm well aware of how it aches
BACKSTABBEDand you still won't let me in
IRRITATIONnow i'm breaking down your door
JEALOUSYto try and save your swollen face
RIVALRYthough i don't like you anymore
FRIENDLYRIVALRYmy oh my a song to say
INTIMIDATEDgoodbye a song to say
FEARbefore our innocence was lost
TENSIONyou were always one of those
INDIFFERENCEblessed with lucky 7's
i'm nose over tail for you
FINALcrack my head open on your kitchen floor
CURRENTto prove to you that i have brains meanwhile tin men
ON&OFFare led by little girls down golden roads that lead to nowhere
PASTRELATIONSHIPBADfine time to fake a seizure feel your mouth on mine
PASTRELATIONSHIPGOODyou're saving me whatever happened to that
FORBIDDEN|SECRETsilly dream you had i wanna make it real
CRUSH|specify|i'd love to rub your back like a plane crash that never hits
MAKEOUTBUDDIESthe ground i fall in love with you i'm nose over
PURELYPHYSICALtail for you your voice like the sound of sirens
FRIENDSwithBENEFITSto a house on fire
FLINGyou're saving me
i was the one worth leaving
FAMILY|EXTENDEDsmeared black ink
EMOTIONALSUPPORTyour palms are sweating
GOODINFLUENCEi'm barely listening
BADINFLUENCEto last demands, i'm staring
RESPECTat the asphalt wondering what's
TRUSTburied underneath, where i am
ADMIRATIONi'll wear my badge, a vinyl
COLLEAGUESsticker with big block letters adherent
PROTECTIVEofYOUto my chest tells your new friends
PROTECTIVEofMEi am a visitor here
MENTORi am not permanent, and the only thing
OTHER|specify|keeping me dry is where i am
the end
this was made by me. so don't steal. you
can use it, so long as you a) ask and b) keep the
credit on. color credit to color blender, ask me for
the link if you want it. there's lots of options, so
please make your post original. i like complicated
relationships. quote this post to get the code for
the colors & please post in & out of code
credit to alkaline trio, placebo, and the postal service
for their lovely lyrics. (calling all skeletons, song to say
goodbye, nose over tail, and the district sleeps alone
tonight, respectively).
scarlett cheshire williams
{ sixteen. ravenclaw. sweetheart. }
EMOTIONALSUPPORTyour palms are sweating
PASTRELATIONSHIPGOODyou're saving me whatever happened to that
SCARLETT says luh herrrr
CHESHIRE says shoo gurl i luh you too
[center][size=4]first middle last[/size]
[img]MATCHING ICON 1[/img] [img]MATCHING ICON 2[/img]
{ age. house/etc. something about you. }
*plottage here*
[b]YOUR CHARACTER says[/b] what you think of cheshire
[b]CHESHIRE says[/b] leave it blank, i'll fill it in, unless you know what i'm gonna say
emily lillith smith
{ 15. slytherin. songbird. }
JUSTMETyour disappearing act do one more pretty please
MUTUALCRUSHi'd love to rub your back like a plane crash that never hits
PURELYPHYSICALtail for you your voice like the sound of sirens
FRIENDSwithBENEFITSto a house on fire
EMILY says I've never seen anyone like you before.
erszebet bathe oliver
{ 16. ravenclaw. permanently awkward. }
JUSTMETyour disappearing act do one more pretty please
EMOTIONALSUPPORTyour palms are sweating
RESPECTat the asphalt wondering what's
EZO says I'm perplexed.
CHESHIRE says Super cool girl, really helps me out with problems I have.